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INTU WELLNESS founder shares her best learnings from 15 years in business


Before starting INTU WELLNESS, Christie Whitehill created a dating app back when tech entrepreneurship was just taking off. 

She then made waves in the tech industry with Tech Ready Women, Australia’s largest accelerator for female entrepreneurs. Their flagship program, the ‘Female Founder Startup Program,’ now sponsored by the NSW Gov, has helped over 320 women through 11 cohorts, receiving over 4000 applications. Christie, along with her friend Anna Robards, founded INTU WELLNESS, which recently became the first Australian ingestible beauty brand available at MECCA stores across Australia and New Zealand. Christie’s journey into wellness began after experiencing stress and burnout from her busy lifestyle before her second child, Ava. Seeking natural remedies, she embarked on a two-year journey of self-care, inspiring the creation of INTU WELLNESS alongside Anna’s own journey into motherhood.

She shares her best learnings from 15 years in business with other founders:

Before starting INTU WELLNESS, Christie Whitehill created a dating app back when tech entrepreneurship was just taking off. She then made waves in the tech industry with Tech Ready Women, Australia’s largest accelerator for female entrepreneurs.

Their flagship program, the ‘Female Founder Startup Program,’ now sponsored by the NSW Gov, has helped over 320 women through 11 cohorts, receiving over 4000 applications. Christie, along with her friend Anna Robards, founded INTU WELLNESS, which recently became the first Australian ingestible beauty brand available at MECCA stores across Australia and New Zealand. Christie’s journey into wellness began after experiencing stress and burnout from her busy lifestyle before her second child, Ava. Seeking natural remedies, she embarked on a two-year journey of self-care, inspiring the creation of INTU WELLNESS alongside Anna’s own journey into motherhood.. She shares her best learnings from 15 years in business with other founders:

Validate Your Idea Before Taking the Plunge: Before diving headfirst into your startup venture, it’s important to validate your idea. I recommend if you’re starting out that you read ‘The Lean Startup’. It emphasises the importance of talking to potential customers, conducting market research, and continuously testing and iterating your concept. Joining programs and courses that teach you how to test and build your idea can also provide valuable insights and access to mentors. Your number one goal to focus early on is securing paying customers ensuring there’s a real demand for your product or service.

Passion Fuels Perseverance: Founding a business is a marathon, not a sprint. To endure the challenges that come with entrepreneurship, it’s crucial to solve a problem you are genuinely passionate about. Your commitment to the cause will sustain you through the inevitable ups and downs. Choosing a startup idea aligned with your interests ensures that the day-to-day grind and continuous problem solving is not only bearable but enjoyable.

Surround Yourself with a Supportive Network: Building a business can be lonely. Surround yourself with like-minded people and people who are a step or two ahead of you. Co-working spaces, accelerator programs, and networking events offer opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs. Learning from their mistakes can provide invaluable insights, helping you navigate potential pitfalls more effectively.

Pace Yourself: The hustle culture is dead and working long days for extended periods is not sustainable. Recognise the importance of pacing yourself and taking breaks when needed. Burnout is a real threat to your health and your business. I know because I have experienced it! Know when to take time out, recharge, and return with renewed energy. Balancing hard work with rest is key to long-term success.

Invest in Your Mindset and Personal Growth: Being an entrepreneur is a constant journey of problem-solving and resilience. Investing in your mindset and personal growth is as crucial as honing your business skills. Consider working with a mindset coach who can help you navigate challenges, overcome fears, and provide a fresh perspective when faced with setbacks. I’ve had a mindset coach for over 10 years now, and it has been an absolute game changer in helping me achieve my goals and persevering through the tough times.

Recognise Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is fundamental to building a successful team. Identify areas in your business that you don’t enjoy or where your skills may be lacking, and surround yourself with people on your team who complement your skills and abilities. You can wear a lot of hats in the beginning, but once the business is more established, it’s most important to establish clear roles and responsibilities in order to grow and scale the business successfully. 

Prioritise Fun and Don’t Forget to Celebrate the Wins: If you’re not having fun it might be time to reassess. Enjoying the process is crucial for long-term success. While challenges are inevitable and there will be times it won’t be fun, finding joy in the day-to-day and celebrating small wins can make the journey more rewarding.

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