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Let’s Talk: How businesses are putting Generative AI to work


Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in various industries, offering innovative solutions to complex business challenges.

By leveraging advanced algorithms and deep learning techniques, generative AI models have the remarkable ability to create new content, simulate scenarios, and even generate entirely new data. 

In this week’s Let’s Talk, our experts explore some of the most common and impactful business use cases for Generative AI. From content generation to personalized recommendations, anomaly detection to creative design, the applications of generative AI are vast and diverse, reshaping the way businesses operate and innovate in the digital age.

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Brett Chase, Director of Systems Engineering APJ at Cohesity

Brett Chase, Director of Systems Engineering APJ at Cohesity

“Data insights and business outcome analytics are afforded to businesses when they deploy the right generative AI technology platforms. The best data management and data security platforms provide businesses with visibility of their data, as well as index and structure their data so it’s AI ready, and allow generative AI to be used without exposing data to new security risks.

“In today’s data driven world, businesses need to be able to access, learn from, and understand their data. However, navigating and being able to analyse their vast amounts of data, often stored in hybrid or multi-cloud environments, is not easy – especially when constant adherence to applicable regulations or legislation is required. By leveraging generative AI-powered conversational search capabilities on their backup data, with solutions like Cohesity GAIA, businesses are enabled with rapid analysis of all of their data, not just their primary data, and can derive insights that provide real business outcomes. For example, a compliance officer can swiftly conduct an audit, a legal or HR investigator can quickly scan hundreds of thousands of emails, a healthcare analyst can conduct analysis and queries of medical records, and IT and Security teams can investigate previous cybersecurity incidents or unauthorised data access.”

Kate Rourke, Director & Head of Creative for Asia Pacific at Getty Images & Stock

Kate Rourke, Director & Head of Creative for Asia Pacific at Getty Images & Stock

“We are already seeing many businesses explore and use AI tools as indicated by Getty Images’ VisualGPS research, which found that 42% of small businesses use generative AI to create content to support their marketing efforts. In the case of marketing, generative AI has created huge possibilities for businesses to create content that would otherwise be too expensive or near-impossible to produce logistically. However, as more businesses adopt AI and grapple with effective use cases, we are seeing growing concerns associated with the risk, transparency, and potential legal implications when it comes to copyright. These concerns are not exclusive to businesses, with Getty Images finding that 90% of consumers want to know whether an image has been created or altered by generative AI, which presents implications for building brand trust if AI is not navigated with a focus on transparency. When businesses are looking to introduce new AI tools and processes to support different functions and tasks, they must consider whether the tools they use are commercially safe. What is unique about our service – Generative AI by iStock – is that legal indemnification is included with any licensed download.”

Theo Hourmouzis, Regional Vice President, Australia & New Zealand at Snowflake

Theo Hourmouzis, Regional Vice President, Australia & New Zealand at Snowflake

“Everyone is looking at how Generative AI can improve their business – and the data shows that organisations want chatbots.

“We analysed more than 9,000 Snowflake customers to see how business and technology leaders are leveraging AI, and we found chatbots were at the top of the list. Our data showed chatbots have grown from being approximately 18 per cent of the total LLM apps available, to now encompassing 46 per cent as of May 2023. And the interest is only climbing.

“Why Chatbots? They make it easy to interrogate one’s own data in a format that everyone can understand. Businesses can deploy Gen AI-driven chatbots to be the initial responder to customers online, while customer service representatives can leverage chatbots themselves to easily find files and respond faster, rather than having to scroll through hundreds of files trying to find a needle in a haystack. Furthermore, chatbots can help businesses and staff easily access and analyse data regardless of skill level, as GenAI-driven chatbots  make it easier to converse with – typos and all.

“But the only way these tools can be truly effective is if a business can get its data strategy in place – without a data strategy there can be no AI strategy.”

Burcin Kaplanoglu, Vice President at Oracle Industry Lab

Burcin Kaplanoglu, Vice President at Oracle Industry Lab

“Undoubtedly you have heard that generative AI is taking the world by storm, and its use cases continue to grow across seemingly every industry. While the benefits of AI have greatly touted for finance, retail, and healthcare, there’s great opportunity for construction and manufacturing as well. Within the construction industry, its power is becoming clear for its ability to summarize and synthesize data and information alike.

“For example, team leaders could direct chatbots leveraging large-language models to a database with retrieval augmented generation (RAG), then request that it summarize meeting minutes or even help you locate equipment on the floor based on documentation. In a way, this can help enable team leaders to “talk” to their own data to get answers. Additionally, construction companies could use generative AI to recall specifications or other documents for review.

“As is true with all technologies, generative AI is a tool that is meant to be used by human beings and not a replacement for the work that humans perform on construction sites every day. By using generative AI to synthesize, summarize, and identify potential issues, companies can ensure their human employees are getting the biggest assist possible from the tools available to them.”

Lisl Pietersz, Solopreneur, Communications and Transition Coach at University of Sydney

Lisl Pietersz, Solopreneur, Communications and Transition Coach at University of Sydney

“Organisations keen to boost business productivity are progressively implementing generative AI (GenAI). Already, GenAI is commonly used in sectors like content creation, customer support, data analysis, healthcare, and software development.

“However, according to entrepreneurs Matteo Castiello and Phil Laufenberg, business leaders have shifted from rushing to adopt GenAI to seeking return on investment (ROI) metrics.

“Early adopters of GenAI are focussing less on what the technology can do and, instead, leaders are now asking, what are the tangible benefits of our AI initiatives for our teams, customers, and business overall?” said Castiello.

“To meet this opportunity, the pair is developing Fifth Street, an AI product with a mission to build a unique repository of proven GenAI use cases and their potential ROIs.

“It’s important for businesses who plan to adopt GenAI that they learn from past successes and get quick, proven wins to secure organisational buy-in,” he said.

“According to the duo, there are more applications and use cases for GenAI than resources to execute. Co-founder Laufenberg added, “We expect that our platform will bring rigour and simplification to the selection of proven GenAI use cases and their potential ROIs.”

“The Fifth Street repository is set to launch in late May this year.”

Simon Eid, Senior Vice President Asia-Pacific at MongoDB

Simon Eid, Senior Vice President Asia-Pacific at MongoDB

“AI is quickly becoming a universal tool that fits in every industry’s toolbox.

“Organisations in industries across financial services, manufacturing, telecommunications, retail and health are now taking advantage of technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLMs), and more, to create AI-driven products, services, and apps.

“Today, generative AI-enriched applications are creating hyper-personalised experiences with capabilities like advanced semantic search or user-prompted conversations.

AI is changing search
Two companies doing this are:

Pending AI, which is helping scientists and researchers in the pharmaceutical space improve early research and development stages. It is capable of dramatically improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the compound discovery pipeline, meaning stakeholders can obtain better, commercially viable scaffolds for further clinical development in a fraction of the time and cost.

Eclipse AI, turns siloed customer interactions from different sources —- these can be customer calls, emails, surveys, reviews, support tickets, and more —- into insights that drive retention and revenue. This saves customer experience teams weeks of effort.

“Both companies use AI to manage data and improve search efficiencies in a way that was not possible before generative AI.”

Adam Beavis, Vice President and Country Manager, Databricks

Adam Beavis, Vice President and Country Manager, Databricks

“A fantastic use case we’ve seen is NAB. Recently, we collaborated to develop a GenAI-driven solution aimed at enhancing the customer experience. While it’s still in the early pilot phase, this Personal Banker Assistant will free up NAB’s banking experts’ time spent on compiling data from various locations, and instead, have more time to deliver value to their customers.

“Atlassian is also pioneering the integration of generative AI to enhance team collaboration. An example is the integration of GenAI into a virtual assistant that handles internal IT help desk requests, saving 2400 hours of service desk team time, and assisting more than half of all incoming requests.

“So many innovative companies are developing GenAI applications to make work more efficient, however, leaders should prioritise data privacy and be cautious about handing over sensitive user and company data to third-party vendors. Building LLMs on your company’s proprietary data in your secure cloud environment is the ideal way. We coin this ‘data intelligence’ – employing AI models that deeply understand the semantics of each customer’s enterprise data is much more effective and accurate compared to using a general-purpose AI model which was trained on general data on the internet.”

Kumar Mitra, Managing Director – CAP & ANZ at Lenovo ISG

Kumar Mitra, Managing Director – CAP & ANZ at Lenovo ISG

“In Australia, generative AI (GenAI) is recognised as the catalyst for business growth when strategically applied. It offers the potential to enhance productivity, gather information faster, improve customer experience, and streamline processes. However, CIOs express concerns regarding GenAI’s reliance on extensive datasets, a resource that many organisations lack.

“Lenovo recently unveiled the CIO Playbook 2024 which revealed that 83% of ANZ CIOs see AI as vital for business this year, yet only 2% invest in GenAI, though 77% are considering investments in the coming year. Among these, growth in business intelligence, productivity, and conversational AI is evident. Organisations are also focusing on employee skill development and enhancing networking infrastructure for high computing capacity. Integrating AI into operations is crucial, and Lenovo ISG is leading the way with our hybrid AI approach and partnerships with NVIDIA, Intel & AMD for enterprises and cloud platforms.

“Business leaders face increasing pressure to navigate the AI hype and incorporate GenAI’s benefits to enhance operations. Embracing GenAI is a significant way for businesses to accelerate their AI adoption and adaptation. In terms of business challenges, job security and lack of requisite AI skills are top concerns for IT employees in mature markets. Hopefully, in the next 12 months common business uses for GenAI will become standard practices.”

Yelena Galstian, Head of Solutions Architecture, Australia and New Zealand at UiPath

Yelena Galstian, Head of Solutions Architecture, Australia and New Zealand at UiPath

“Business leaders generally view Generative AI as a powerful tool for innovation and problem solving. The aim is to return time back to employees for more fulfilling work that taps into their individual skill sets. In the healthcare vertical for example, administration staff can automate documentation gathering and other manual tasks to improve various patient experiences. For manufacturers, intelligent automations can improve efficiencies and productivity across the supply chain, from saving thousands of hours in invoice processing to real-time reporting of raw material pricing.

“For business leaders to realise the full potential of Generative AI, they need to consider its longer-term applications in the business context, along with ensuring they select an AI model with flexibility, actionability, and trust. This is what makes automation the perfect partner for Generative AI. It allows businesses to integrate across a variety of business processes and can take real action almost anywhere. Automation feeds Generative AI the context of multiple sources, allowing businesses to provide the richest experiences for their customers.

“Ultimately, organisations need automation with AI infused to operationalise and best leverage their Generative AI models and to consistently deliver the business outcomes they aim to achieve.”

Fabian Calle, Managing Director, Small and Medium Business at SAP Concur ANZ

Fabian Calle, Managing Director, Small and Medium Business at SAP Concur ANZ

“Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has emerged as a transformative tool for business leaders, offering a myriad of applications to streamline operations and enhance decision making. As with other sectors, GenAI can automate routine financial tasks—such as processing invoices, optimising budget allocation, generating financial reports, conducting audits on transactions, and monitoring expenses—letting finance teams redirect their focus towards more strategic activities to increase efficiency and job satisfaction. GenAI also plays a crucial role in forecasting by leveraging vast datasets to generate insights that are more accurate and timelier, giving businesses a competitive edge.

“Substantial benefits can also be uncovered by using GenAI for travel and expense management, including automating the processing and analysis of expense claims, reducing the administrative burden on finance teams. This automation ensures compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements by accurately categorising expenses and flagging anomalies. Additionally, AI-driven tools can analyse spending patterns and provide business leaders with insights that help optimise budget allocation and prevent fraud.

“To fully realise the benefits of GenAI, executive leaders must encourage a culture of innovation and ongoing learning. Collaboration between finance and IT departments is critical for seamlessly integrating AI solutions into existing systems, safeguarding security and compliance.”

Janine Morris, Senior Solution Engineer at AvePoint

Janine Morris, Senior Solution Engineer at AvePoint

“Leveraging generative AI for information management purposes can work wonders for organisations when deployed responsibly. With exponential data growth overwhelming traditional practices, having a robust information management strategy has become imperative for businesses to ensure information accuracy and integrity and drive organisational efficiency.

“AvePoint’s recent AI and Information Management Report found that nearly every organisation surveyed experiences challenges when implementing AI, with the top challenge being data quality.  A significant 71% of organisations were concerned about data privacy and security, while 61% were concerned about quality and categorisation of internal data.

“AI presents an opportunity for organisations to significantly improve their records and information management systems by automatically classifying documents, minmising the manual actions required by users and improving accuracy of categorisation. AI enables organisations to identify and mitigate areas of heightened permission controls, sensitivity and overshared content, ensuring full protection and integrity of information during its lifecycle.

“Security is a high priority on every organisation’s agenda with many using AI to improve threat detection and expedite responsive actions across their digital ecosystems, allowing AI to analyse large datasets, scan for patterns and send prompt alerts of any anomalies.”

Phillip Townsend, Strategic Director of Innovation, APAC at Genesys

Phillip Townsend, Strategic Director of Innovation, APAC at Genesys

“Keeping up with customer expectations is one of the greatest challenges businesses face today, particularly in the APAC region. More than 31% of consumers admitted they switched to an alternative brand after a negative interaction, according to Genesys’ State of Customer Experience report. Due to the changes in consumer behaviour and preferences, we are bringing together conversational, predictive and generative AI to our all-in-one cloud platform, Genesys Cloud, to power the most impactful customer experiences (CX) and employee experiences (EX) which go beyond basic support services.

“Genesys Cloud uses generative AI for automatic summarisation and content generation. We’re continuing to work toward expanding the use of generative AI to simplify & learn from content, create new content, and break language barriers. Among customer experience and contact centre teams, use cases include providing accurate information in preferred languages, summarising customer conversations for personalised recommendations, and accessing past interactions. By utilising generative AI to extract customer intent, sentiment, and behaviour, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer purchasing decisions and predict their needs.

“Despite still being an evolving technology, generative AI is becoming more prevalent in delivering experience orchestration and effortless innovation. Many businesses are starting to leverage smart technologies across their day-to-day operations not just for cost and time-saving benefits, but also to provide more tailored customer experiences – resulting in deeper, more meaningful interactions that foster loyalty and positive business outcomes.”

Sandie Overtveld, Senior Vice President, APJ & MEA at Freshworks

Sandie Overtveld, Senior Vice President, APJ & MEA at Freshworks

“With the increase in popularity of generative AI, businesses have been looking to AI as a solution to enhance their customer experience and increase customer satisfaction. In fact, according to Freshworks’ research, 86% of IT professionals have already been using AI to boost efficiency, with automation of workflows seeming to be the most popular application of AI.

“As agents interact with many customers daily — in an age where customers expect instant answers — using gen AI can help reduce the burden on agents by addressing common customer queries through FAQs and automated responses. With AI now becoming smarter, it can now understand customers’ tone and mood and react accordingly, liberating agents of mundane and repetitive queries. And when there are more nuanced or complex customer service enquiries, AI is also able to triage these issues accurately and timely to the right agents to handle these queries.

“Tapping into gen AI tools like Freshworks’s Freddy Insights can enable CX professionals to get to the heart of a customer issue effectively and efficiently, drive greater accuracy and customer satisfaction through personalisation. This kind of AI is a key enabler for any business looking to level up their customer experience.”

Merlin Luck, Regional Vice President of Small and Medium Businesses ANZ at Salesforce

Merlin Luck, Regional Vice President of Small and Medium Businesses ANZ at Salesforce

“AI can boost productivity and efficiency through the automation of repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic projects. This time saved can enable businesses to deliver high-quality content or even tackle innovative product design ideas.

“But AI goes beyond just saving time. It can also help you understand your customers better than ever. By analysing data and trends, AI can shape and deliver tailor-made touch points for highly personalised customer interactions. In today’s competitive market, exceeding customer expectations is crucial – and AI empowers businesses to do just that. For instance, payroll software company PaySauce has deployed a chatbot that uses AI to understand and respond to customer queries in real-time, 24/7.

“For sales teams, AI tools can automatically generate call summaries and follow-up emails, allowing reps to spend more time building client relationships. AI can also help sales and marketing leaders measure campaign success and gather valuable data for future strategies.”

Luciano Fuentes, APAC Senior Associate Director at Verizon Connect

Luciano Fuentes, APAC Senior Associate Director at Verizon Connect

“Improving safety is a common AI use case for Australian small-to-medium businesses (SMBs). One Australian luxury furniture brand, Lounge Lovers, has partnered with Verizon Connect to gain a complete picture of its operation – and drive safety and efficiency across its fleet. Integrated dashcams with AI classification allow staff to assess and address unsafe incidents on the road within minutes without having to trawl through hours of footage.

“The solution’s intelligent, automated reporting capabilities help the company identify unsafe driving behaviour to provide coaching. Audible in-cab alerts prompt drivers to take immediate action when an unsafe driving event occurs. The AI dashcams are already identifying when drivers do not fasten their seatbelts, prompting them to buckle up. The solution integrates with Fleet Card to monitor fuel spend and provide fuel efficiency reports to compare fuel purchases against speeding, idling, and other harsh driving events.

“Finally, by linking its servicing program to the Verizon Connect solution, Lounge Lovers staff receive notifications whenever routine repairs and maintenance are due.”

Gavin Jones, ANZ Area Vice President at Elastic

Gavin Jones, ANZ Area Vice President at Elastic

“From mitigating security risks to enhancing efficiencies and customer experiences, GenAI has emerged as the next frontier of innovation across businesses. The Elastic Generative AI Report released in March underscores this, revealing that 99% of IT decision makers in Australia acknowledge GenAI’s transformative potential.

“Elasticsearch is the most downloadable search engine that allows businesses to transform their search experiences, delivering better outcomes for their organisations and customers. Elastic actively supports businesses leveraging GenAI through the Elasticsearch Relevance Engine™ (ESRE™). While ESRE aids in constructing search-powered AI applications that facilitate swift and relevant search experience, its integration with GenAI enables businesses to compare real-time customer interactions with predicted patterns, proactively identifying uncommon or fraudulent behaviour.

“Significantly, businesses can use ESRE to address challenges associated with GenAI, including privacy, scalability, and cost considerations. This empowers them to create search experiences grounded in user intent, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.”

James Greenwood, Director of Technical Account Management at Tanium

James Greenwood, Director of Technical Account Management at Tanium

“It’s not hard to see how Generative AI is making an impact on cybersecurity. As hackers add generative AI to their toolset, organisations are largely unprepared for the increased cybersecurity risk that AI brings. For example, hackers are using large language model chatbots to write email attacks and run phishing campaigns at an unprecedented scale.

“Organisations need to understand how to leverage generative AI to gain the upper hand. From improving threat detection to automating responses, accelerating incident investigations, and providing predictive threat prevention, generative AI is going to shape the future of how we respond to cyber threats. Incidents that used to take days or months with teams of people to remediate, could now be managed almost instantly by only a small number of cyber experts with the support of autonomous, AI-supported cybersecurity tools. The best way to stay on top of increased AI-generated threats is to give attackers a taste of their own medicine by keeping across the latest AI defensive tools.”

Josh McAdam, COO at SecureCo

Josh McAdam, COO at SecureCo

“One place we know generative AI is making waves and will impact our day-to-day lives is in contact centres. Gartner predicts conversational AI will reduce contact centre agent labour costs by $80BN in 2026.

“Today, many see AI bots as clunky and slow, preferring to speak to a real person when we call our bank or insurer, for example. But generative AI brings with it a significant change in the customer experience, with the ability to create naturally flowing, human-like interactions.

“However, AI tools can’t operate in a silo. They need to be connected to each customer touchpoint – whether that be voice or text. The real benefits will be seen by bridging existing customer service technologies with new AI capabilities, ensuring a seamless integration that improves overall customer satisfaction so that we can say goodbye to laggy, frustrating brand interactions.”

Konstantin Klyagin, Founder and CEO of Redwerk

Konstantin Klyagin, Founder and CEO of Redwerk

“Gen AI, when used appropriately, can save businesses big time.

“At Redwerk, we automated repetitive edits of a specific content format released weekly. We built a simple Python app based on ChatGPT with a minimalistic interface customized to our needs and an admin panel for tweaking the prompts. Took us less than a week to build and slashed editing time from over an hour to 15 minutes. The app solves the issues of feeding multiple prompts to ChatGPT manually (a task in itself) or a single yet overly large prompt, many points of which LLMs ignore.

“This isn’t just about text. While we’re not there yet to generate polished videos, one can automatically add subtitles, clean up audio, and add AI voiceovers – something we do, too.

“Another reasonable application of gen AI is data analysis. You can analyze prospects’ LinkedIn profiles to better prepare for meetings and generate personalized pitches. Early results look promising, with potential time savings and more closed deals.

“Gen AI can also be used by HR folks to improve internal communication. Tools like ChatScope AI help generate attention-grabbing images for messages, keeping teams engaged. Generative AI is still young, but it’s the future of streamlined business.”

Jonathan Reeve, Vice President APAC at Eagle Eye

Jonathan Reeve, Vice President APAC at Eagle Eye

“Generative AI is poised for explosive growth in the retail market. McKinsey’s latest research underscores the transformative potential of predictive and generative AI, forecasting that both could contribute $22.1 trillion to the global economy.

“For retailers, this marks a tremendous opportunity. With gen AI embedded into their digital infrastructure, they can unlock a multitude of capabilities. They’ll streamline tasks, handle data more efficiently, gain quicker insights, pioneer new experiences, empower frontline staff and forge stronger connections with customers – all in ways that were previously impossible.

“With that, some common business use cases for gen AI in retail could include:

Enhanced Customer Support: Leveraging AI-powered assistants for responding to queries, explaining products and offering personalised recommendations to improve customer experiences.

Personalised Recommendations: Using AI algorithms to suggest tailored product recommendations in real time based on vast amounts of data to enhance the personalisation of customer experiences.

Store Transformation: Employing gen AI for tasks like developing merchandising planograms, optimising store layouts and providing personalised wayfinding experiences to shoppers to enhance the blending of physical and digital experiences.

“Retail has already experimented with generative AI for language-based applications in areas like those above, but it’s important to note that predictive AI also delivers results. Critical functions like promotion spending, offer permutation and big-data-based consumer trend forecasting are already possible because of the retail industry’s primacy of numbers (specifically, UPCs). Generative AI has many uses, but predictive AI can also be transformative for an industry built on barcodes.”

Billy Loizou, Area VP APAC at Amperity

Billy Loizou, Area VP APAC at Amperity

“With Gen AI, we at Amperity find it’s best to start small, but start now. It’s much better to get the ball rolling by testing generative AI use cases that are lower lift and lower risk than to build a more comprehensive plan at the outset. That way your teams can adjust and learn as you find the best approach for getting value from this evolving technology.

Generative AI for personalisation is still new, so there’s no definitive playbook. Instead, teams should be experimenting to find out what works and how to build from there. These are some good ones to start with:

Email subject lines

Email copy

Website copy

CTAs for paid media

Images for email

Images for website

Images for paid media

“You’ll learn a lot by trying out a single use case end to end. It’s important that this be something that isn’t a huge lift or an outsized risk. Risk can be reduced by including a human in the loop.

“Experimenting with that first use case will help break the ice and accelerate your strategy. It’s easier to get the answers to the questions above by doing rather than spending a bunch of time planning upfront.

“And always remember, the success of Gen AI depends on the context (fancy way of saying information) that you supply to the model. Garbage in = garbage out. Make sure it’s fed quality data for the best results.”

Abid Ali, Founder and CEO at SpendConsole

Abid Ali, Founder and CEO at SpendConsole

“Gen AI offers a multitude of applications tailored to the unique needs of finance departments and organisations. One prominent use case is the automation of invoice processing, where Gen AI leverages machine learning algorithms to extract data from invoices accurately and efficiently, eliminating manual data entry errors and accelerating invoice processing times.

“Additionally, Gen AI can play a crucial role in enhancing compliance measures by analysing vast amounts of financial data to detect potential anomalies or discrepancies that may indicate fraudulent activities. By continuously learning from historical data and patterns, Gen AI helps organisations fortify their defenses against AP fraud and ensure regulatory compliance.

“Gen AI can also facilitate intelligent decision-making by providing valuable insights into spending patterns, supplier performance and cash flow forecasting. By analysing historical data and market trends, Gen AI enables finance professionals to make informed decisions and optimise financial strategies to drive business growth.

“Overall, Gen AI is helping to transform AP (accounts payable) management by streamlining processes, enhancing efficiency and empowering organisations to achieve greater control, compliance and strategic insight into their financial operations.”

Julian Fayad, Founder and CEO at LoanOptions

Julian Fayad, Founder and CEO at LoanOptions

“In the world of finance, AI is helping us push boundaries and pioneer new standards in service speed, transparency, and accessibility.

“Our team is on a mission to make applying for a business, personal, and asset finance loan as easy as checking out in an online store.

“Ongoing developments to our software culminated in the launch of our latest and most innovative version yet at the end of 2023, which is reducing the loan application process to as little as five minutes.

“The cornerstone of the platform is our autocomplete engine, which uses advanced proprietary technology and third party application programming interfaces to prefill client information with absolutely no impact on the customer’s credit score. It then produces transparent loan options that the customer is already eligible for and are most likely to be approved.

“Machine learning has supported the inclusion of a first-of-its-kind large language model, purpose built for our customers to give them answers to commonly asked questions about credit  policy and applications. This also gives brokers access to the credit policies of all lenders, increasing their efficiency.

“In our record-breaking best case, the money from a loan we funded hit the customer’s account within 36 minutes of initial enquiry. AI is helping us make this the norm, streamlining the application process for brokers and borrowers alike.”

JP Tucker, Founder of Optidan AI

JP Tucker, Founder of Optidan AI

“In the rapidly evolving e-commerce sector, Generative AI is a game-changer for mid to large retailers managing large product feeds. Optidan AI exemplifies this innovation by transforming content workflows at scale, rapidly generating unique, SEO-friendly content. This technology not only enhances online visibility, leading to increased traffic, but also strategically avoids search engine penalties. Importantly, it contributes to lowering bounce rates and boosting on-page conversions, making it an invaluable tool in the digital marketplace for businesses seeking efficiency with measurable results.”

Jay Marcano, CEO and Founder at Wippli

Jay Marcano, CEO and Founder at Wippli

“In the swiftly evolving landscape of AI, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) are reshaping the way we collaborate. Using these AI agents that are pre-trained with hyper-focused industry expertise, can streamline tasks, increase productivity and transcend their role as mere tools but rather, act as digital colleagues sparking creativity and innovation.

“Specialised AI marketplaces such as brings forth a new era where professionals benefit from bespoke, subscription-based AI professionals. They go beyond just offering standard support – but offer industry-specific advice and can make the most complex subject matter personal and accessible.

“In tender processes, an AI colleage trained with specific industry knowledge can provide invaluable support in navigating the intricate guidelines, and boosting a business’s chance of success.

“Similarly, AI legal consultants represent a transformative solution in legal compliance, assisting the work of legal experts and potentially bringing cost efficiencies without compromising on thoroughness or precision.

“We are entering an intrepid new era of professional collaboration, guided by the integration of human talent and AI sophistication.”

Tim Wheeler, Managing Director at Searchr.TV

Tim Wheeler, Managing Director at Searchr.TV

“In the realm of entertainment technology,  the integration of cutting-edge AI solutions presents a significant leap forward from current limits. At our startup, we’re committed to harnessing this transformative potential to elevate the user experience in entertainment consumption.

“Through our innovative platform, powered by AI algorithms, users can not only seamlessly explore a diverse array of content based on their preferences, but the AI integration also monitors your selections and recommends relevant and desired content in the ‘for you’ section.

“In a world with endless content options, our AI-driven approach holds promise for preventing decision fatigue, streamlining the content discovering journey, and thus offering a more enjoyable and efficient experience.

“As we continue to refine our capabilities, we remain committed to setting new standards of user convenience in entertainment discovery. AI helps us enrich the entertainment landscape and provide valuable solutions to users.”

Leola Small, Managing Director at Small Mktg

Leola Small, Managing Director at Small Mktg

“GenAI is transforming industries with its ability to generate and analyse content rapidly and accurately. In marketing, GenAI is invaluable, offering tools to create personalised content, design compelling campaigns, customise emails, and data insights and analysis.

“Some common Business Use Cases for Generative AI include:

Marketing Automation: Auto-generate tailored content, ads, and email campaigns to enhance customer engagement.

Strategic Forecasting: Predict market trends and consumer behaviour for informed strategic planning.

Product Development: Use GenAI to innovate and refine product designs based on market feedback.

Customer Experience: Improve service through personalised customer interactions and support.

Operational Efficiency: Automate routine tasks, freeing up time for strategic thinking and creativity.

“GenAI’s influence extends beyond marketing. It’s pivotal in forecasting, allowing businesses to anticipate market movements and strategise accordingly. This proactive approach ensures companies are always a step ahead, ready to adapt and thrive in dynamic markets.

“GenAI is not just about generating content; it’s a strategic ally that enhances planning, innovation, and engagement across the business. Leveraging GenAI equips businesses with the tools to improve productivity and drive success.”

Shreya Pandey, Senior Content Writer at Jobma

Shreya Pandey, Senior Content Writer at Jobma

“Forget the science fiction of robots taking over. Generative AI (Gen AI) is transforming nearly every business. As an industry observer for years, I’ve seen trends come and go. But Generative AI feels different. It’s not some distant promise but it’s here to break the rules of manual operations quietly. What’s booming? Your marketing teams effortlessly create high-quality content, brainstorm ideas, refine strategies, and so much more – in seconds!

“Studies by Accenture suggest that 42% of companies are investing in Gen AI tools for their digital content! This frees their resources to prioritize strategic initiatives. Customer service is being revolutionized too. AI-powered chatbots can handle routine inquiries, keeping customers valued with instant answers. McKinsey research shows this could slash expenses by 30%. It’s empowering your workforce through machine learning. You’ll embrace it sooner or later.

“The AI assistants act as research partners now, condensing complex topics into clear insights. This has never happened before. This saves employees valuable time, promotes innovation, and lets them focus on what humans do best – applying ingenuity to drive results.

“Gen AI isn’t a replacement but an augmentation tool. It’s time to unravel a new era of strategic efficiency with a wave of employee innovation and deliver an unparalleled customer experience.”

Blair Ellis, Account Director at Hopeful Monsters

Blair Ellis, Account Director at Hopeful Monsters

“Many envision Generative AI as the replacement for entire departments, yet it should be seen as the tool that will enhance these teams instead—operating as our co-pilot to reduce the manualness of tasks so our critical and creative thinking can fly.

“Though commonly used for simple automation and copy-paste text generation that saves minutes each iteration. Hopeful Monsters has experienced tremendous efficiency in using Gen AI to automate creative functions, allowing us to focus more time on the details that makes good work great.

“Recently this has come to life through the creation and animation of 3D avatars for Adobe – supported by their own Gen AI platform, Adobe Firefly. At the same time, ResMed’s global World Sleep Day campaign used the same platform to visually localise assets to mirror demographic characteristics for 12 markets globally.

“Ultimately, Generative AI can be compared to the likes of the printing press and the introduction of personal computers. Once seen as a negative disruptor to many, they went on to revolutionise the way we live and work, arguably for the better.

“Our responsibility now is to use this power to benefit society, not to create a flood of negative misinformation.”

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