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SeventhSense: Revolutionizing email marketing engagement


Seventh Sense is an AI software that is specifically designed to optimize email delivery in order to drive maximum performance and engagement with your existing email marketing program. In today’s digital age, email inboxes are crowded and attention spans are shorter than ever, making it challenging to get your emails noticed by recipients.

Seventh Sense’s Email Delivery Optimization System is the only system of its kind that is tailored for HubSpot and Marketo users. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, Seventh Sense helps you cut through the clutter and increase the likelihood of your emails landing in the inbox. This innovative tool works in collaboration with HubSpot and Marketo to deliver your emails and provide the reporting capabilities that you are accustomed to.

With the increasing competition for attention in inboxes, Seventh Sense offers a smarter way to send emails by personalizing and optimizing delivery times for each individual in your database. By doing so, you can expect to see higher engagement and better results with your email marketing efforts.

Seventh Sense aims to help email marketers transition from being amateurs to next-level professionals by offering a solution to the common challenges faced in email marketing. By leveraging artificial intelligence to optimize frequency and personalize delivery times, Seventh Sense ensures that your carefully crafted emails are read and acted upon by your intended audience.

The proof of Seventh Sense’s effectiveness lies in its numerous satisfied customers who are sending over 400 million personalized emails each month and experiencing significant increases in email engagement rates. By utilizing Seventh Sense, email marketers can finally achieve the results they deserve and make the most out of their email marketing campaigns.

Seventh Sense – Features

Send Time Optimization
Email Throttling
Increase Deliverability
Email Frequency Optimization
Knowledge Transfer
Increase Conversions

Seventh Sense – Pricing

Seventh Sense offers two pricing plans for businesses and enterprises. The Business plan is $64 per month for 5,000 marketing contacts, while the Enterprise plan starts at 150K contacts with a custom price per year. Users can save 20% by choosing the annual payment option.

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