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Human and AI: How can we find the winning pair?


For decades, science fiction has depicted a future where artificial intelligence (AI) reigns supreme. But in the real world, a different story is unfolding.

The most exciting advancements are emerging not from a competition between humans and machines, but from their powerful collaboration. The question now becomes: how do we forge the winning human-AI partnership?

In today’s edition of Let’s Talk, our experts delve into the strategies that unlock the true potential of this dynamic duo. 

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Michelle Taite, CMO at Intuit Mailchimp

Michelle Taite, CMO at Intuit Mailchimp

“AI technology has democratised data-driven decision-making, allowing marketers to optimise campaigns with greater precision and speed—and unlock continuously compounding results. By analysing extensive customer data and past performance, predictive AI empowers marketers to confidently refine strategies and anticipate trends. And generative AI can deliver the resource expansion needed for meaningful personalization at scale, allowing marketers to adjust messaging for a multitude of audiences and tastes.

“Marketers must maintain a strong command of their brand: AI can optimise your message for greater impact, but it’s no substitute for an original point-of-view. And for continued success, marketing teams must foster a culture of experimentation, testing new use cases and sharing results with colleagues regularly. Combining human expertise with AI speed can fuel enhanced campaign performance and deeper customer connection. But unlocking the fullest potential of these tools will require practice and curiosity.”

Stephane Marouani, Country Manager ANZ at Mathworks

Stephane Marouani, Country Manager ANZ at Mathworks

“Bringing together human expertise with artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming easier through low-code solutions with intuitive interfaces. These low-code platforms democratise AI, making it accessible to engineers regardless of their coding experience, thereby bridging the gap between complex algorithms and practical applications.

“Key applications include automating data analysis, predictive analytics, and optimising processes, which not only streamline operations but also open new avenues for innovation. For effective use, engineers should focus on understanding the problem domain and engaging in continuous learning and collaboration with data scientists.

“Future trends point towards more specialised low-code platforms tailored to specific engineering disciplines, incorporating advanced AI capabilities like deep learning. This evolution will further integrate AI into engineering workflows, lowering project costs, and shortening production cycles, thereby accelerating innovation and enhancing interdisciplinary teamwork. As engineers become more adept at using these platforms, the potential for groundbreaking advancements across various fields is immense.”

Lee Hawksley, President, Asia Pacific and Japan at UiPath

Lee Hawksley, President, Asia Pacific and Japan at UiPath

“Many businesses are finding new ways to use AI-powered automation to become more efficient and deliver better customer experiences. At the same time, they are also realising that no matter how advanced AI becomes, humans will remain at the core of their businesses and a crucial part in how they harness the full value of new technologies.

“To find the winning pair, a human in the loop approach is needed. Organisations of all sizes need humans to create automations as much as they need AI and software tools to carry out processes. Concurrently, the human needs to be looped back in for strategic decision making. For example, when a decision needs to happen that requires human judgement, the AI can create a task for the human. This way it brings valuable human cognitive capabilities back into the process to achieve the best possible results for the organisation.

“Ultimately, humans and AI are better together—the combination of AI’s analytical power and human insight leads to better outcomes than either could achieve alone.”

Lisl Pietersz, Solopreneur, Communications and Transition Coach at University of Sydney

Lisl Pietersz, Solopreneur, Communications and Transition Coach at University of Sydney

“In the quest for a winning combination of humans and AI, I sought insights from Mr Phil Laufenberg, co-founder of, an emerging generative AI business that offers AI educational products and services. He says the key to a winning combination lies in leveraging the strengths of both.

“In general, AI excels at automation, and efficient data processing, synthesis, and analysis. Humans, on the other hand, bring customer empathy, creativity, and interpersonal communication. By utilising the strengths of each, developers can build transformative technologies.

“According to Laufenberg, his team delivers a university-level learning experience, packaged into a series of high-quality videos, by collaborating with AI as a co-worker. He says that AI is fed information on a course topic, learns the goal, and develops a suitable course outline. Humans then refine the outline which is fed to a different AI that generates a human-level synthetic voice. The result is a high-quality learning experience that is produced faster and more efficiently without the need for a studio.

“‘Humans remain critical to the creation process by reviewing, providing feedback, and approving AI-generated assets,’ says Laufenberg.

“This is the winning combination: humans and AI working together for a better future.”

Anna Lee-Renwick, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Anni

Anna Lee-Renwick, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Anni

“While AI is playing an ever prominent role in our lives and allowing for more efficient data scalability and processing, there are instances in which the value of Human Intelligence® is irreplaceable. At Anni, our mission is to harness the power of technology to empower Experts with the opportunity to share their expertise and knowledge in a simple, intuitive way.

“What this means is the askAnni® engine, which represents the underlying technology, has been built to enhance search capabilities and connects Members with the right Expert, at the right time. It offers a more innovative and effective search solution to revolutionise how Aussies seek advice by allowing users to browse, select, book and attend human-to-human micro-consults.

“Ultimately, AI cannot replace the emotional intelligence, sensitivity, intuition, complex problem-solving, creativity or adaptability offered by industry professionals. Therefore, the askAnni® AI engine bridges the gap to connect members with the right Expert, at the right time.

“Harnessing the strengths of both humans and AI ensures Members receive the trusted, personalised and tailored advice they need, in a user friendly and efficient way.”

Jaquie Scammell, Founder of ServiceQ and author of The Future of Service is 5D

Jaquie Scammell, Founder of ServiceQ and author of The Future of Service is 5D

“I imagine a world where humans work with AI but are not controlled by AI, recognising that digital platforms are convenient and do not come at the cost of human connection but enhance it. There are times when we want to be served by technology; we want the efficiency. There are times when we want to be served by a human, when we want connection. There are times when we want both; therefore the winning solution for the future, is creating a hybrid solution where both AI and humans get to play to their strengths.  As with anything in life, it’s about balance. We need to get really good at being human (paying attention, bringing intention, tapping into the multiple dimensions that make us unique to a machine), so that, at the very least, whatever is fed into the AI machines is as close to a caring human as possible.”

Oakley Cox, Analyst Technical Director at Darktrace

Oakley Cox, Analyst Technical Director at Darktrace

“Artificial intelligence can’t exist in a vacuum. While the AI systems we have today are powerful – and will only become more so in the future – it’s critical those systems work in tandem with human oversight to achieve outcomes that are inclusive, accurate, fair and equitable.

“At Darktrace, we partner our industry-leading AI cybersecurity tools with human analysts to help defend organisations against the ever-increasing cyber threats they face. AI can spot new and novel threats, such as ones generated by adversarial AI systems, in ways that traditional cybersecurity can’t.

“Once the AI has identified these new threats, human security teams can take over. The AI cybersecurity saves them time and gives them the insights they need to act – fast. AI also lets those human teams focus on what people do best, including strategy and creative thinking.

“AI removes the painstaking processes associated with traditional cybersecurity and leads to businesses being more secure knowing that the AI is working together with humans to achieve outcomes that would not otherwise be possible.”

Mollie Eckersley, Head of Operations at BrightHR ANZ

Mollie Eckersley, Head of Operations at BrightHR ANZ

“It’s undoubtedly a challenge, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, to react quickly to technological advances and compete in the cutthroat business landscape while still exercising caution.

“Nothing demonstrates this quite like AI. Despite the breakneck pace of development in the field, there’s still a lot we don’t know about AI, its risks, how it can help us, and the best ways it should be utilised.

“Striking the right balance between humans and AI is also so important, especially in industries where the human touch is vital to a business’ success. It’s impossible to have a one-fits-all ratio of human to AI involvement because it will differ based on your industry and company.

“The trick to finding the right balance for your business is to empower your employees to lead the way with the right policies and training so they can use AI responsibly and get the best out of these tools.

“Putting your employees in the driving seat, so to speak, is how you can retain that human touch and prevent AI errors from discrediting your industry authority and hindering your progress.”

Tony Maguire, Regional Director ANZ at D2L

Tony Maguire, Regional Director ANZ at D2L

“The relationship between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) is a complex one, especially where there are ethical considerations about AI’s use. The integration of AI holds potential, especially in the workplace where employees have an opportunity to be trained, certified or upskilled through eLearning.

“At D2L we’re continuing to invest in our predictive and adaptive learning technology to help to improve the teacher and learner experience by personalising content and improving engagement, outcomes and success while bringing new GenAI innovations to market. This approach is using GenAI to help generate new course content, based on our customer’s learning materials.

“From predictive learning models to automatic video captioning and transcription and AI-based in-platform help, GenAI content creation tools can help save educators time while giving them full control over their content. GenAI can also further advance accessibility for all educators and learners in D2L Brightspace by generating content in alternative formats, improving communication and enabling adaptive learning.

“Learning is inherently a human and social endeavour. It’s a shared experience between an educator and a learner, as well as a personal journey of discovery. Both can be enhanced by technology but never replaced by it. Leveraging technology to help make learning more human requires thoughtful implementation, focused attention and constant refinement. We all must ensure there is responsible innovation and deployment today to ensure the technology is used ethically in future.”

Brad Kasell, Principal Technology Strategist, Asia-Pacific at Domo

Brad Kasell, Principal Technology Strategist, Asia-Pacific at Domo

“If there’s one discussion that the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has forced in recent years, it is the deeper consideration of what human intelligence means, and how to differentiate between the two. Initial hype loved to suggest it was “game over” for humans, but with a few years under our collective belts, a more nuanced model of intellectual “co-opetition” is emerging.

“For me though, I believe AI is poised to quickly fade into the background – powerful, creative to a degree, and doing incredibly productive things, but largely invisible. The reason I say this, is because for the first time in decades (centuries) humans have been prompted to “do better” to justify our position at the top of the intellectual hierarchy. By and large, that’s what is happening too – humans are rapidly shedding tedious and mundane “knowledge work” and challenging themselves to truly go beyond. As the gloss fades on AI, and it stumbles with model dilution and regression to the mean, I’d argue the next decade or two could easily be the next creative renaissance period for humans.

“To that end, there will be no “winning pair” – humans aren’t ready to secede the throne quite that easily!”

Philippa Lewis, Chairperson at Elementum Advisory

Philippa Lewis, Chairperson at Elementum Advisory

“When humans and AI come together in numerous ways it creates a powerful combination.

“AI possesses unparalleled processing capabilities, enabling it to analyse vast amounts of data quickly and accurately which supplements human cognitive limitations, removing limitations and reducing bias. This allows humans to focus on higher-level tasks such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

“When AI is linked into human activities such as medicine, it can have a dramatic effect on human outcomes. It’s revolutionising the field by analysing medical data, patient records, diagnostics, and genetics to uncover patterns not evident to humans. It aids researchers in discovering new drugs by simulating molecular interactions. Additionally, AI identifies patient risk across diseases, optimises treatments for improved outcomes with fewer side effects, and assists surgeons with precision in complex procedures, reducing human error.

“AI has the potential to create an explosion in intelligence, leading to superintelligence, surpassing human intelligence, but ultimately humans will benefit.

“Despite AI’s advancements, even with a “superintelligent” being, humans bring irreplaceable qualities like empathy, intuition, and moral reasoning to the table. These qualities ensure ethical and responsible AI development and deployment. Ultimately, the synergy between AI and humans will lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and innovation across all of human society.”

Li Guanghai, CEO of Helport

Li Guanghai, CEO of Helport

“AI’s core purpose is to be humanity’s powerful assistant, by amplifying productivity and human potential. Helport’s vision is to empower every organisation and individual with AI, enabling efficient customer communication for any business, any person, at any time and any place.

“We’ve successfully done so for contact centers, and have harnessed AI to work in harmony with the skilled workforce. We did so by directing AI to automate mundane tasks and to act as an intuitive partner during calls and interactions for agents. This approach freed up bandwidth for the agents to perform better at crucial tasks. AI was also instrumental in giving data-driven feedback for contact center managers to provide their teams with actionable reviews. This has resulted in record customer satisfaction levels and sales growth.

“While we have found our winning pair, we continue to work closely with our clients to refine and improve this process as AI technology grows in sophistication.”

Olivier Pestel, Head of Customer Success and Solution Consulting at Cornerstone OnDemand

Olivier Pestel, Head of Customer Success and Solution Consulting at Cornerstone OnDemand

“People leaders and Human Resources practitioners are increasing leveraging the value of technology in support to human capital development. AI-powered solutions are revolutionising Learning & Development (L&D) by offering unprecedented personalised recommendations and predictions on top of unprecedented data analytics capabilities.

AI-Powered Talent Experience Platforms (TXP): Cornerstone’s AI-powered TXP provides a holistic approach to managing employee growth. It aligns personal career aspirations with organisational goals, offers advancement opportunities, and suggests roles informed by the individual’s skills and interests.

Personalising Learning Pathways: AI’s ability to personalise learning experiences is a game-changer. By processing individual profiles, AI can recommend tailored learning journeys, enhancing the effectiveness of professional development.

Data-Driven Learning Insights: Gen AI empowers L&D professionals to sift through vast datasets to create a precise understanding of the skills employees need for success now and in the future.

“The challenge is finding the right balance between AI’s analytical prowess, and the human touch essential for employee engagement and motivation. This synergy between AI and human intuition will define the future of HR. While AI can process and recommend, the final decisions must be enriched by human judgement and empathy, so the workforce feels valued and understood, not just analysed.”

Luke Ireland, Senior Account Manager, Technology & Fintech at Sefiani, part of Clarity Global

Luke Ireland, Senior Account Manager, Technology & Fintech at Sefiani, part of Clarity Global

“The fusion of human creativity with generative AI is revolutionising the communications industry, making it a critical time for agencies to adapt and thrive. Generative AI is not a replacement but a powerful ally, automating routine tasks and allowing us to focus on strategic thinking and creative innovation. This partnership enables a dramatic reduction in time to value, enhancing comms professionals’ ability to deliver positive impact faster—which is critical in our fast-paced industry.

“The relationship between humans and AI works best when AI elevates human strengths in creativity and strategic thinking. This should be agencies’ north star when looking to deploy the technology in a meaningful way.

“To ‘find the winning pair’, agencies should avoid trying to overhaul all manual processes at once. Instead, focus on specific areas where productivity suffers most. By pinpointing these challenges, they can deploy generative AI in ways that directly improve efficiency and outcomes. Begin with small, targeted projects to understand generative AI’s benefits, then gradually expand its role within those specific contexts.

“Generative AI will forever change the communications discipline—but for the better. It not only enhances our capabilities as a discipline; it represents the next step in the convergence of technology and human creativity.”

Sudhakar Ramakrishna, CEO at Solarwinds

Sudhakar Ramakrishna, CEO at Solarwinds

“People have historically worried that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace jobs. I don’t think this is the case. Instead, we should see AI as having the ability to replace some of our tasks and give us the freedom and time to pursue more creative and value-enhancing endeavors. By automating mundane tasks, AI can unlock significant human potential. In IT, companies are already having a difficult time finding skilled workers. AI tools can address this challenge by increasing productivity and efficiency.

“Though AI excels at automating mundane tasks, it should always be driven by human intentions and understanding. By incorporating AI in a way that maintains the central role of humans, companies will be able to foster a culture of innovation and create opportunities for employees to reimagine their work processes, enhance productivity, and drive meaningful outcomes without sacrificing the invaluable human touch.”

Charles Ferguson, General Manager, Asia Pacific at G-P

Charles Ferguson, General Manager, Asia Pacific at G-P

“AI has become a game-changer for scaling businesses by supporting productivity, efficiency and even creativity. Its use in the workplace is so profound that it is slated to impact nearly half of all occupations within three years. With the power to transform business operations in a way the corporate landscape wouldn’t dare to imagine even a decade ago, it’s hard to believe we’re only at the tip of the AI iceberg.

“However, to reach the next peak of AI’s capabilities, businesses must not lose sight of the power the human touch has on innovation.

“G-P’s recent research on the topic revealed 41 per cent of Australian employees worry that integrating AI into their day-to-day might lead their managers to place less value on their work. While this apprehension is unsurprising in light of AI’s current market maturity, forward-thinking business and HR leaders should consider AI as a tool that complements human capabilities.

“To help empower human-AI collaboration, training and upskilling is crucial. This will improve employees’ career progression and boost morale by reassuring teams that the technology will be strategically used to enhance, not replace their roles.

“It’s also important to establish an AI governance framework within the organisation to ensure the technology is used compliantly, ethically and sustainably across the organisation.”

Annette Densham, Creative Director at The Audacious Agency

Annette Densham, Creative Director at The Audacious Agency

“AI is democratising content creation, opening up a world of connection for those whose main skills are not writing content. Treating AI like your content slave and not putting your spin into the content will harm your reputation.

“ChatGPT is good for coming up with ideas to write about, repurposing existing content and streamlining repetitive jobs. It’s not a very good writer.  It can string words together but it doesn’t get flow, heart and storytelling. It’s not enough to pump out content for SEO, the content has to be readable, engaging and purpose.

“Without inserting humanity into the content, as people become more au fait with AI’s unedited distinct style, their subconscious will turn off brands. They may not know why but something in their ‘gut’ will warn them you’re not real or genuine. Humans are emotional creatures, we like to think we make decisions logically but really, it’s driven by emotion.

“Make sure you do this:

Axe the straight cut and paste – edit the content to sound like you.  The language patterns and flow of AI content is vanilla. Your content NEEDS a personal touch – add humour, inject personal anecdotes.

Remove AI phrasing –  ‘in the realm of’, ‘additionally’, ‘moreover’, ‘in essence’,’in the era of”, ‘in this ever-evolving landscape’ and other phrases no one outside of academia would use. It sounds fancy but no one writes like this.

Repetition – AI is verbose, using a paragraph instead of a sentence.

Check the facts and the Zs.  If you’re Australian,  it’s UK English not US.

Learn the right prompts – AI is just a tool. It’s not human and requires human guidance and interaction to train it to sound like a real person.”

Karan Anand, Managing Director in Australia at Hnry

Karan Anand, Managing Director in Australia at Hnry

“AI is a vital enabler, but it’s nothing new for a lot of companies – with many having implemented it in processes over the last few years. At Hnry we consider it a valuable tool to improve business efficiencies and automate manual tasks that would otherwise take up important team time.

“Yet, we should all be conscious of AI’s limitations. As large language models get smarter, we’re seeing more and more brands jump on the bandwagon and hand over their customer service offering to generative engines. While this may optimise team capacity, the loss of human connection does little to win customer confidence.

“As a digital accountancy service made by sole traders, for sole traders, we think it’s vital that real people handle the big stuff – your payments, expenses, tax & invoices. During those critical, time-sensitive money moments, they want the peace of mind that they’re speaking to an actual human with knowledge, context, and experience.

“That’s why we leave AI to manage the stuff that can be automated, and retain our team of human tax experts to provide real-time support – part of our mission to demystify independent earning and make it simple and accessible for everyone.”

JP Tucker, Founder of Optidan

JP Tucker, Founder of Optidan

“In the ever-evolving world of online retail, the combination of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence (AI) is not just beneficial – it’s essential. At OptiDan, our journey has shown that AI is a powerful tool, but it shines brightest when paired with human expertise.

“For online retailers, the key lies in leveraging AI to enhance, not replace, human capabilities. AI excels in processing vast amounts of data, identifying patterns, and optimising content, not just for search engines, but for retail digital shelf. Tasks that are vital in a crowded Online marketplace. For instance, our AI-driven solutions have been instrumental in identifying and rectifying duplicated content, a rampant issue in eCommerce. However, without the human touch – the creativity, the strategy, and the understanding of consumer nuances – these technological advancements can fall short.

“AI can churn out data-driven recommendations, but it’s the human perspective that translates this into actionable, brand-aligned strategies. This synergy is particularly crucial in content creation. While AI tools can generate optimised product descriptions, they lack the ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with human emotions and experiences. Our approach at OptiDan marries AI’s efficiency with human creativity, ensuring content is not only SEO-optimised at scale but also engaging and informative.

“My advice to fellow retailers: Embrace AI as a tool, not a replacement. Let it handle the heavy lifting of data analysis and optimisation, but keep the human element at the forefront of your strategy. This harmonious partnership is the key to success in today’s digital retail landscape.

”Just because it reads well, doesn’t mean it indexes well”

Andrii Bezruchko, CEO and Founder at Newxel

Andrii Bezruchko, CEO and Founder at Newxel

“We’ve previously explored the opportunities AI presents to SMEs. Numerous businesses have achieved significant productivity gains through automating processes. The next milestone on this journey could be enhancing these productivity gains by augmenting the existing workforce with AI technologies, including assisted and augmented intelligence.

“Leaders are eager to continue this journey to either reduce costs or capitalize on AI opportunities. But the question remains: where to begin?

“Let’s start with simple yet fundamental questions: What are our strategic goals? What capabilities could enhance our performance? Addressing these questions may require substantial expertise.

“Consider approaching this as a structured project. Appoint a champion innovator to drive the initiative alongside a responsible project manager who can identify processes where human-AI collaboration could significantly boost efficiency, accuracy, and outcomes. Subject matter experts may be needed to assess AI capabilities, and, of course, a sponsor—usually the CEO—is essential for securing financial and overarching project support.

“Adopting such an approach could unlock new realms of winning gains.”

Robert Leidl, Founder and CTO at Namadgi International

Robert Leidl, Founder and CTO at Namadgi International

“Creating that winning combination of humans and AI all boils down to playing to each other’s strengths.

“AI is an absolute weapon for crunching data, identifying patterns, and handling the mind-numbing, repetitive tasks that make us want to pull our hair out. But we humans bring our secret ingredients to the mix—creativity, intuition, and the ability to see the forest for the trees.

“The magic happens when we marry AI’s data-processing superpowers with human judgement and know-how. Let AI handle the heavy lifting behind the scenes and let humans interpret, strategise, and transform those insights into real-world action plans. It’s a collaboration, not a competition.

“As AI grows more sophisticated, some roles may evolve, but that’s an opportunity, not a threat. It frees us up to focus on what makes us uniquely human. Our job will be to navigate the ship, ask the right questions, and bridge the gap between data and real-world impact.

“Organisations that find that sweet spot by using AI to enhance human potential rather than replace it will dominate in the future.”

Michael Rhydderch, Head of Sustainability at BCW APAC

Michael Rhydderch, Head of Sustainability at BCW APAC

“AI exploded onto the scene and in the race to keep up, AI became a little like the wild west. Now, as companies reflect on AI usage that positively impacts people and planet, and governments figure out regulatory framework – guardrails need to come with an ESG lens.

“How do we ensure AI is a positive force for people and planet? How can it contribute to global solutions rather than adding to existing problems? And if used right, is AI the missing piece needed to achieve net-zero?

“‘The winning pair’ will only happen with an equal awareness of opportunities and risks – and a view on social and environmental impacts.

“AI has the potential to have a huge carbon footprint – and if not checked, can accelerate social bias through selective or misrepresented data.

“At the same time, AI is helping companies make better data-based decisions and with increased requirements to measure and report on ESG, companies will have no choice but to lean into AI.

“At the core of it, we need to use technological progress for the benefit of people and planet – to achieve something, rather than encourage an ethos of ‘progress just for the sake of progress’.”

Warren Schilpzand, Area Vice President of Australia and New Zealand at DataStax

Warren Schilpzand, Area Vice President of Australia and New Zealand at DataStax

“There is a lot of excitement about generative AI, but alongside that excitement there’s also concerns about jobs and whether automation will prompt business leaders to reduce headcount and get lean.

“The fact is, all new technologies, from the automatic loom to desktop computers, have raised these concerns, and winning organisations are the ones that embrace new technologies while keeping the people they have and finding ways to become super efficient.

“At DataStax, we believe that the embracing the future is the right path, because the benefits of generative AI will only be realised when they’re combined with human creativity and innovation. While the how and what we do regarding work may shift, people are crucial to its success.

“To maximise the benefits of GenAI, we must reinvest productivity gains into the people and processes that drive innovation. When we combine the potential of GenAI and then invest in the skills and well-being of workers, we’re going to create a future where humans and machines work together for a shared abundance for everyone.”

Aiden Heke, CEO at Decision Inc. Australia

Aiden Heke, CEO at Decision Inc. Australia

“The topic infers a one-to-one relationship between a human and an AI bot but I foresee our augmented selves following the pattern of human relationships and having many AI partners. We are social creatures and forge symbiotic relationships;  mutualism, both parties benefit; commensalism, one benefits without harming the other; and parasitism, one benefits at the expense of the other.

“Today, in the absence of AI sentience, our relationship is commensalism. As humans we stand to gain more than an AI bot in the relationship, but over time this may change as innovation accelerates.

“Thus how we engage with AI will become as important as why and businesses today need to consider this when trying to find the winning AI partnership they’re seeking:

Is it an advisor, is it a digital work support colleague or is it a friendly ear? Choose where you need help and if AI can help

Getting the best out of AI Partnerships will be nuanced and take precise deliberate input, much like human interactions

Helping your AI Partner better understand you, your business and your needs will improve its effectiveness over time. You will need to continue to invest in the partnership

“Ultimately as AI represents a form of human intelligence, with proxied reason, it is no wonder we need to use much of the same strategies for human relationship success.”

Matt Loop, VP and Head of Asia at Rippling

Matt Loop, VP and Head of Asia at Rippling

“AI is not going to take your job. But if you resist the technology, you’ll find yourself at a far bigger disadvantage than those who work collaboratively with it; true “Human + AI” will begin with businesses and employees collectively accepting this.

“AI can have a profound positive impact on job functions. In HR teams for example, it enables teams to process unstructured information – like text responses in performance reviews – into structured data and generate advanced insights that can be used across software systems, creating efficiencies and introducing new ways of working that were never before possible.

“‘Human + AI’ will augment your role and enable teams to perform better. Some of the most interesting applications of AI are happening in HR, and businesses have a massive role to play in helping their employees navigateg this.

“Change the conversation, speak to your workers and quell the AI-doomerism. Ultimately, it’s about looking at complementary skills. Encourage employees to experiment with the tools and reach a consensus on best practices.

“Once we understand how to work together, we can maximise the combined potential.”

Martyn Riddle, Vice President Marketing APJ at Verint

Martyn Riddle, Vice President Marketing APJ at Verint

“At Verint APAC, we believe the synergy between humans and AI represents the future of customer engagement and employee experience. Our specialised bots, powered by Verint Da Vinci AI, are at the forefront of this evolution, enhancing customer experiences while streamlining operations for the contact centre. We’ve got more than 40 highly specialised bots, from the Interaction Transfer Bot, which ensures seamless handovers from AI to human agents, to the Knowledge Suggestion Bot, which equips agents with real-time, relevant information. Our Call Risk Scoring Bot exemplifies our commitment to security, using AI to pre-emptively identify and mitigate fraud risks.

“The key to finding harmony between Humans and AI is underscored in our vision: a future where AI and humans collaborate to deliver unparalleled customer service and streamlined employee experiences. Most importantly, our solutions are designed to augment human capabilities, not replace them.”

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