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The role of philanthropy in entrepreneurial leadership


In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of profits and growth. However, there are leaders who are redefining success by prioritising philanthropy and community support in their business models. 

George Samios, the founder of Madd Loans and Entrepreneurs Organization Queensland member, is a shining example of how entrepreneurship can be a vehicle for positive change and social impact. For Madd Loans, giving back to the community is not just a slogan; it’s an integral part of their core values.

“Giving back transcends financial contributions. It’s about investing in the future of our city, nurturing young minds, and creating a space where businesses and community organisations work together” Says George.

Short for ‘Make A Difference Daily’, Madd Loans is a mortgage brokerage firm that offers personalised home loan solutions to clients. With a strong commitment to community, giving back is ingrained in the very essence of the company and Madd Loans proudly sponsors and supports an array of local community events and organisations each year.

In 2022, George and his team delivered the first Madd Charity Ball in Brisbane. The event had a clear aim – to raise as much money as possible for the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Two years and as many sold out events later, Madd Loans has raised over $320,000 to assist the Foundation with new life-saving medical equipment and various programs.

One of the key reasons why philanthropy is essential in entrepreneurship is that it helps to build trust and loyalty among customers. When businesses demonstrate a genuine commitment to supporting charitable causes and giving back to the community, it creates a sense of purpose and connection that goes beyond the transactional relationship. Customers are more likely to support businesses that align with their values and make a positive impact in the world, which can lead to long-term loyalty and repeat business.

With an intense passion for making a difference, George founded Madd with the vision of creating a business that not only generates profits but also has a positive impact on the community. His belief in the power of altruism to drive social change is at the core of Madd’s mission, and it has resonated with customers who want to support businesses that are committed to making a difference.

By integrating philanthropy into their business model, entrepreneurs like George are also able to attract top talent and motivate their employees. In fact, employees are more engaged and satisfied in their work when they feel that their company is making a difference in the world. Businesses that prioritise philanthropy and community support are able to attract like-minded employees who are passionate about giving back and making a positive impact.

“I truly believe that every entrepreneur has a responsibility to give back, be it through financial means, volunteering time, or mentoring future generations. We all have a role to play in shaping a stronger, more vibrant community”.

Philanthropy and charitable giving are crucial in supporting incredible causes and bringing communities together. When individuals and organisations give back to their communities through donations, volunteering, or fundraising efforts, they can make a significant impact on those in need. By supporting causes that align with their values and passions, individuals can create lasting change and build stronger, more resilient communities for the future. 

Giving back can also have a ripple effect on the community at large. When businesses support charitable causes and invest in local initiatives, they contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of the community. By integrating philanthropy into their business models, entrepreneurs can build trust and loyalty among customers, attract top talent, and create a lasting impact on the community.

George’s commitment to his community has not only shaped the identity of Madd as a socially responsible business but has also inspired others to follow in his footsteps. His story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of giving back and using entrepreneurial success as a platform for positive change.

MADD Home Loans

Entrepreneur’s Organization Queensland

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